So you got that lovely proof sent to you, or perhaps a low-res digital copy, because you "wanted" to buy some photos. THEY AREN'T YOURS to use as you please. There's a reason the photographer watermarks everything with their name or trademark, and it isn't just to ruin your special picture. It's a effort to stop thugs like you thieving their hard work, and/or passing it off as yours. It clearly doesn't work too well, with the huge numbers of watermarked pictures I see on facebook and in advertising. Remember, you don't just pay for a pretty picture - you pay for the top end camera and lenses, you pay for the years of practice and perfecting their craft, you pay for the hours spent out in the stinking hot sun or freezing cold, taking those brilliant pictures, then the days spent uploading, editing and then sending them to you. You pay for the administration and upkeep of their small business. You pay for their livelihood. How dare you flaunt that!
So you've bought the picture.The photographer may be one of those generous ones who provide digital copies without watermarks once you've purchased. Sure, you can use these pictures, but seriously, give some credit where credit is due! Tell people who took the damn picture! It isn't hard, and gives the photographer some exposure (pun not intended,lol) so they might even get more sales, and come back to your little show again. It really shits me when you see lovely photos which are clearly professional, which have not been credited - or even worse, the signature has been cropped or photoshopped out! Absolutely disgusting behaviour!
SET UP ALL DAY THEN BUY NOTHING. went to a show, and want some nice pictures, so you've bailed up the photographer, and taken up an hour or two of their time with a gazillion different poses, on the premise that you will buy some pictures. The photographer has bent over backwards to accommodate you, probably in the stinking hot su, all because you wanted some nice photos. Then you disappear into the woodwork, never to be heard of again. All the while, genuine buyers have missed out because of you, and the photographer has missed out on some revenue. You lowlife.
So you ordered your photos, the photographer has, in good faith, arranged printing and is now waiting for your payment so they can be sent to you. You don't pay. Now they have wasted their time and money, for nothing! I mean seriously, how rude and selfish can you be?! No wonder it's payment upfront these days, with pieces of shit like that around.
So come on photographers - add to this list! I just KNOW there are soooo many things I haven't even thought of!